
Reflections and J2People’s focus moving forward

In this article Jayne Rhodes from J2People reflects on 2024 so far, and what lies ahead for J2People.

Actually, it’s been a while since I have written a blog…why is that? Quite simply, it doesn’t come naturally to me. I can be quite introvert and so I feel slightly uncomfortable posting!

I find myself procrastinating rather than writing. I have an inner voice that tells me I don’t want to do it and I’m too busy doing other things, but once I start to put my ‘keyboard’ to paper’ I surprise myself and quite enjoy pouring out what is in my head!

Ultimately, we can’t avoid posting these days, although I still prefer to pick up the phone!


As we hit mid-year, for me it’s a time for personal reflection:

What have I achieved so far this year?

  • Most importantly, on a personal level, I have recovered from a major back injury through swimming and weightlifting every single day this year. After 3 months of not being able to walk, my wellbeing has come first and at 47 I feel fitter than ever!
  • I have worked with many wonderful new clients – I love meeting new people and supporting them overcome their people challenges
  • I have helped clients resolve some really tricky team conflict issues, patiently running dedicated mediation sessions
  • I have developed ‘Mediation Skills’ training’ to support HR and Managers with the day-to-day skills they need to resolve workplace disputes quickly. Get in touch if you would like to find out more…
  • I have supported clients with diagnosing people-related performance issues, coaching leaders and developing implementation plans for successful change.

How about J2People?

  • I continue to love working with my business partner, Jane Pimm, who is very dedicated and hardworking in all that we do. I appreciate her every day.
  • Our partnership continues to thrive and we put all of our advice into practice to ensure our relationship remains strong.
  • We are applying our skills according to our client’s needs. Jane is the expert in ER and employment law, I am a successful mediator, and can help you implement new ways of working in your team.
  • We have strengthened our relationships with our associates – Emma, Caroline and Jo. They are highly valued by Jane and I and have provided dedicated expertise and support.
  • We have continued to grow and develop, and we are excited about some new products coming your way very soon…

What is our priority for the second half of the year?

  • We will continue to do what we love doing – providing personalised gold standard HR support to HR Leaders and Business Owners who need our expertise, or an extra pair of hands.
  • We will launch new products within our positive people framework, to help you develop positive people in your business. They are coming soon, and we can’t wait to share!
  • We will update our growth plan. We turn 5 later this year (can you believe it?) and so it’s time to lay out the next chapter in our journey.

Getting away and creating time to think

Creating space and time to think and reflect is so important, to ensure we continue to provide the best service to our clients and grow as a business. Time to think is what has usually been lost with people who we support, leading to communication problems and unnecessary conflict and issues.

We are here for you if things unravel, and you need help to pick up the pieces. However, we are also here to support you with making improvements. Don’t wait for the problems to arise – we can help you go up a gear with positive people and a healthy high-performance culture.

I hope you have a lovely summer break, whatever your plans. Enjoy some time out and reflect with a positive mindset. Keep in touch and look out for our product updates (I will try not to procrastinate and not leave it so long next time!).

Let’s talk

If you would like to know more about how we can support you, please get in touch at or visit